Set up the topic names for GPS and IMU data in the vehicle_state/launch/ekf.launch and vehicle_state/param.ekf.yaml. For more information of how to use the robot_localization package, please see :
Set up the topic names for Pointcloud and EKF Odom data in vehicle_mapping/launch/ndt_mapping.launch
Set up the path to save the final pointcloud in vehicle_mapping/launch/ndt_mapping.launch
Use roslaunch vehicle_mapping ndt_mapping.launch to launch the mapping package and play the rosbag that you want to use as input in an other terminal.
vehicle_localization :
Set up the topic names for Pointcloud and EKF Odom data in vehicle_localization/launch/map_localization.launch
Set up the path to load the pointcloud map in vehicle_localization/launch/map_localization.launch
Choose which method to use to find the initial position. (RVIZ or GPS)
If you choose RVIZ, you will have to give a guess to the localization package on where to start using the "2D Pose Estimate" button in RVIZ
If you choose GPS, you will have to give the coordinates of the origin of your pointcloud map and set them up in vehicle_localization/launch/map_localization.launch. At the moment, the method based on RVIZ is more stable than the GPS one
Launch a rosbag throught another terminal, or launch live data streaming from the sensors.
Sometimes, slowing down the rosbag playing speed (using -r) can improve the results of the localization package
Tweaking the scoreThreshold parameter can also improve results
Please do not hesitate to report any problems or bugs you may encounter, either throught the issues page of this repo, or by sending me an email at
If you use theses packages, please consider refer to this repo with :