开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):liuwei16/ALFNet开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/liuwei16/ALFNet开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Jupyter Notebook 83.8%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Learning Efficient Single-stage Pedestrian Detectors by Asymptotic Localization FittingKeras implementation of ALFNet accepted in ECCV 2018. IntroductionThis paper is a step forward pedestrian detection for both speed and accuracy. Specifically, a structurally simple but effective module called Asymptotic Localization Fitting (ALF) is proposed, which stacks a series of predictors to directly evolve the default anchor boxes step by step into improving detection results. As a result, during training the latter predictors enjoy more and better-quality positive samples, meanwhile harder negatives could be mined with increasing IoU thresholds. On top of this, an efficient single-stage pedestrian detection architecture (denoted as ALFNet) is designed, achieving state-of-the-art performance on CityPersons and Caltech. For more details, please refer to our paper. Dependencies
ModelsWe have provided the models that are trained on the training subset with different ALF steps and backbone architectures. To help reproduce the results in our paper,
ALFNet-1s: city_res50_1step.hdf5 ALFNet-2s: city_res50_2step.hdf5 ALFNet-3s: city_res50_3step.hdf5
MobNet-1s: city_mobnet_1step.hdf5 MobNet-2s: city_mobnet_2step.hdf5 TrainingOptionally, you should set the training parameters in ./keras_alfnet/config.py.
Follow the ./train.py to start training. You can modify the parameter 'self.network' in ./keras_alfnet/config.py for different backbone networks. By default, the output weight files will be saved in '$ALFNet/output/valmodels/(network)/'.
Follow the ./train.py to start training. You can modify the parameter 'self.steps' in ./keras_alfnet/config.py for different ALF steps. By default, the output weight files will be saved in '$ALFNet/output/valmodels/(network)/(num of)steps'.
Optionally, we provide an example of training ALFNet-2s with WMA (./train_2step_wma.py) WMA is firstly proposed in Mean-Teacher. We find that WMA is helpful to achieve more stable results and one trial is given in ./results_2step_wma.txt TestFollow the ./test.py to get the detection results. By default, the output .txt files will be saved in '$ALFNet/output/valresults/(network)/(num of)steps'. Evaluation
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