开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):kikito/love-loader开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/kikito/love-loader开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Lua 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):love-loaderThis is an utility lib for LÖVE that loads resources (images, sounds) from the hard disk on a separate thread. This allows for "doing stuff" while resources are being loaded; for example, playing an animation. The fact that the blocking calls happen in a separate thread ensures that the animation is fluid, without blocking calls dropping the framerate. Version 2.0.0 of this lib only works with LÖVE 0.9.x. If you need to work with LÖVE 0.8 or before, please use earlier versions of this lib. This repository is maintained by Tanner Rogalsky (https://github.com/TannerRogalsky). Examplelocal loader = require 'love-loader'
local images = {}
local sounds = {}
local finishedLoading = false
function love.load()
loader.newImage( images, 'rabbit', 'path/to/rabbit.png')
loader.newSource( sounds, 'iiiik', 'path/to/iiik.ogg', 'static')
loader.newSource( sounds, 'music', 'path/to/music.ogg', 'stream')
finishedLoading = true
function love.update(dt)
if not finishedLoading then
loader.update() -- You must do this on each iteration until all resources are loaded
function love.draw()
if finishedLoading then
-- media contains the images and sounds. You can use them here safely now.
love.graphics.draw(images.rabbit, 100, 200)
else -- not finishedLoading
local percent = 0
if loader.resourceCount ~= 0 then percent = loader.loadedCount / loader.resourceCount end
love.graphics.print(("Loading .. %d%%"):format(percent*100), 100, 100)
end You can also see a working demo in the demo branch of this repo. Interface
InstallationJust copy the love-loader.lua file somewhere in your projects (maybe inside a /lib/ folder) and require it accordingly. Remember to store the value returned by require somewhere! (I suggest a
local variable named local loader = require 'love-loader' The second step is making sure that your "game loop" calls
LicenseThis library is distributed under the MIT License. CreditsI took a lot of inspiration from Michael Enger's Stealth2D project. I learned the basic internals of threads from his loading state code. https://github.com/michaelenger/Stealth2D Tanner Rogalsky (https://github.com/TannerRogalsky) ported the library to LÖVE 0.9.0. |