开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):Wirest/Minecraft-Hacked-Client-Sources
开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/Wirest/Minecraft-Hacked-Client-Sources
开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):
开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Minecraft Hacked Client Sources
- Clients Amount: 39
- Clients posted here are ditched, or outdated, or just got leaked.
List of clients:
- Astro 2.2.1
- Autumn
- Blizzard b1
- Cheatware
- Debug 1.2.6
- Delta b3.7
- Deluge 0.23
- ETB Reload 0.1
- Eject v3
- Envy 0.3
- Euphoria B7
- Execution
- Exist 0.71
- Fan v3
- Fan v4
- Faurax
- Flux B5
- FusionX 2.0
- Hush b4
- Ice B10
- Jello 0.1
- Jigsaw 0.24
- Lucid 0.89
- Memeware
- Mystra
- Nivia B3
- Old MoonX
- Polaris B14
- Saint 2.3
- Sigma 3.9
- SkyLine B28
- Slowly b12.3
- Spicy
- Splash
- Venus Recode 0.2.0
- Virtue
- Vulture
- WeepCraft 0.2
- Xatz 0.9b1
If you have any client's sources, feel free to dm me, my discord is chocopie#7690 and it'll be added
happy skidding!