开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):moom0o/AnarchyExploitFixes开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/moom0o/AnarchyExploitFixes开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Java 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):AnarchyExploitFixesFix exploits on a Minecraft Anarchy Server NOTICEThis plugin has many features that are broken or do not work properly on version 1.19 or higher. Please submit pull requests and issues for 1.19 problems. Requirements
Prebuilt jarGo to releases, download the latest jarIf you wish to have a prebuilt BETA jar with the latest code, click Actions at the top of the page, click the latest build, and download the artifact. Building from source
Run Servers using AEF:Add your server in a pull request constantiam.net (70-80), 5b5t.org (50-150), openanarchy.org (40-150), scfanarchy.ggs.gg (0-3) CommandsThese commands are only able to be executed by console or opped players.
DonateYou can send bitcoin to You can send Monero to You can also send gift cards, contact me on Discord. ContactNeed to let me know of any exploits in private? Contact me on discord: NoticePlease note that some exploits already patched by 2LS ExploitFixer & Papaya (My paper fork) are probably not fixed in AEF, I recommend using those 2 alongside AEF to patch the majority of exploits. FeaturesThis list does not include all features, check the config for all features! All features listed here can be disabled or enabled in the config.
Config optionsMissing config options after an update? Reset your config or manually add the options. config.yml# Illegal block preventions
# These are required to be enabled for things like stacked items and 32ks to be prevented.
PreventPlacingIllegalBlocks: true
RemoveIllegalBlockOnPlace: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnInteract: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnJoin: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnInventoryOpen: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnDrop: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnClick: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnPickup: true
RemoveIllegalBlocksOnMove: true
# Remove illegal blocks on chunkload, useful if players have placed a lot of bedrock/other blocks and you want to get rid of it this is automatically disabled on non 1.12.2 versions due to errors.
RemoveALLIllegalBlocksOnCHUNKLOAD: false # Please note this may lower tps slightly (or heavily if players have big stashes)
RemoveIllegalHeadsOnChunkLoad: false # NOT RECOMMENDED TO TURN ON, RAPES TPS!
RevertStackedItems: true
RevertEnchantments: true
RevertUnEnchantable: true # Removes enchantments that normally can't be applied to that item.
RevertSpecificEnchantments: false # Only revert specific enchantments
SpecificEnchantments: # If RevertSpecificEnchantments is enabled, only these specific enchantments will be reverted.
- "DIG_SPEED" # The name of the enchantment in the spigot api
ItemsSkipped: # Items that won't be reverted from illegal enchants or unbreakablity.
- "GOLDEN_APPLE" # Make sure to keep this line here or else enchanted golden apples will be reverted to normal ones.
RevertSpecificDataValues: true # Required for rest of config options
RevertIllegalGoldenApple: true #Revert golden apples that aren't 0 or 1.
SpecificDataValues: # If you want to ban any other data values
- "SuperIllegalItem(0)" # (0) is the data value. For example GOLDEN_APPLE uses (0) for unenchanted and (1) for enchanted. - NEWER VERSIONS: It is currently not possible to ban specific data values, ALL DATA VALUES WILL BE 0.
Enabled: true # Revert unbreakable items, items with less than 0 durability will be automatically removed or set to 0 durability, which will break on the next use. Items with higher than max durability will be set to legal maximum durability.
EnableWhitelist: false # If enabled, only items in the whitelist will be reverted.
- "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" # The name of the item in the spigot api
SkipZeroDurability: true # Make sure to keep enabled, otherwise netherite tools will mistakenly be set to maximum durability, due to some bug in spigot.
# Only removes player heads, not mob heads
RemoveIllegalHeads: true
RemoveSpawnEggs: true
# Check for items every X time may cause lag, disable if you have lag issues
StrictIllegalPrevention: false
LookForIllegalsInShulkers: false # WARNING: DO NOT ENABLE IF YOU DON'T WANT A DUPE. Atleast in 1.17 shulkers can easily be duplicated with this enabled. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810446565822038016/858851144750989312/jbIAkzJ9CU.mp4
# Bugfixes
PreventNoComCoordinateExploit: true
NoComMaxDistance: 64 # Recommended not to increase
PreventEndGatewayCrashExploit: true
PreventDispenserCrashExploit: true
PreventSnowBallExploit: true
PreventFireworksInPortals: true # Patches lag exploit
PreventDropppedItemsInPortals: true # May prevent a lag exploit.
PreventAllEntitiesInPortals: false # Only enable if you must... Players are not affected.
ProjectilesMaxPerTime: 3
ProjectileTimeTicks: 10 # 3 projectiles can be sent every 10 ticks (0.5 seconds)
PreventCraftingRecipeLagExploit: true
CraftingRecipeDelay: 5 # in ticks
# Patches coordinate exploit for teleportation commands such as /tpa, /home ASWELL as respawn exploits (such as finding location from bed respawn point) Works by vanishing the player for x ticks before teleporting.
PreventTeleportCoordExploit: true
TeleportVanishTime: 10 # in ticks
MinDistanceToVanishPlayer: 100 # Minimum distance to vanish player when teleporting, useful to prevent players from teleporting very fast in the same spot and making the tablist go crazy.
PreventDestroyingEndPortals: true
PreventMultipleEnderDragons: true # Prevents multiple ender dragons from spawning when one goes into an end gateway
PreventPortalTraps: false
PreventInvalidNames: true # Prevent names with characters that are non letters, numbers, or underscores, or too long/too short.
PreventBurrow: true # Preliminary burrow patch, please test. Makes players take damage every time they move when their feet are in a block
BurrowDamageWhenMoving: 1 # Half a heart of damage every time you move.
TeleportBurrow: true #Teleport player above block
PreventBurrowIfBlockAbove: false # Prevent burrow even if there is a block above the block they are burrowing in, please note this may allow creating an "elevator", players will keep teleporting up until they hit air
BreakAnvilInsteadOfTeleport: true # Break anvil instead of teleporting player.
AllowSlabsInBurrow: true # Disabled by default in 1.12, needs to be enabled to prevent a bug where players are teleported above a slab when the slab is underwater, only happens in newer versions.
PreventBookBan: true
MaxByteSize: 255 # Per page - Not recommended to touch this
# These are automatically disabled on non 1.12.2 versions due to errors.
FillInBedrockFloor: true
FillInBedrockRoof: true
PreventGoingBelowBedrockFloor: true
DisableAllElytras: false
DisableWithers: false
RemoveWitherHeadsAutomatically: true # Experimental: Will remove wither heads on chunk unload or if its been longer than x ticks
RemoveWitherHeadsAutomaticallyTicks: 200 # 10 seconds
RemoveAllWitherSkulls: false
DisableWitherSpawningAtSpawn: #Switching all to false will disable it completely
overworld: false
nether: false
end: false
radius: 5000
message: "&4Wither spawning is disabled in %radius% blocks from spawn."
DisableExplosions: false
FixChatcoIgnoreBug: true
# Attempt to prevent chunk bans/fps lag.
# Automatically disabled in non 1.12 due to a shit ton of errors
PreventChunkBan: true
CustomMaxPerChunk: # CUSTOM block chunk limit configuration - SPIGOT ITEM NAMES!! FIND ON https://papermc.io/javadocs/paper/1.12/org/bukkit/Material.html
MaxEnchantmentTablePerChunk: 16
MaxEnderchestPerChunk: 64
MaxContainerPerChunk: 1000
MaxSignPerChunk: 100
MaxSlimePerChunk: 128
MaxBeaconPerChunk: 32
MaxHopperPerChunk: 32
MaxPistonPerChunk: 32 # Would allow 64 if sticky pistons are also being used.
MaxGlowstonePerChunk: 99999 # Set to 99999 by default, limit if you wish.
MaxBannersPerChunk: 100
MaxSkullsPerChunk: 50
# Antispam time in seconds
PreventSpam: true
# Global limit
AntiSpamTime: 1 # 1 message per second
# How many messages should we allow to send in x seconds (converted to ticks)
AntiSpamCheckTime: 30
AntiSpamMessagesPerTime: 10 # ~1 message every 3 seconds if constantly spamming
AntiSpamWordTime: 60
AntiSpamLinkTime: 300
AntiSpamCommands: true # Use the same antispam options for commands aswell.
AntiSpamCommandsUseWhitelist: true # Only enable antispam for commands specified below.
- /msg
- /message
- /r
- /reply
- /w
- /whisper
- /tell
CharacterLimit: 128
PreventUnicodeDot: true
MoreLenientLinkCheck: true # Won't get triggered by just the word discord and dc
AllowLinksForOP: true
# Removes entities or players if "invalid", not sure if this works. Seems too simple. But again, mojang is retarded.
ExperimentalGodModePatch: true
PreventCommandSign: true
# Disable the 1.16 fish from spawning, there is a shit ton of them that spawn and this can cause a ton of lag, automatically disabled in 1.12
DisableFish: true
# Prevent massive sand chunks from killing the server, prevents any falling blocks from falling if there is more than 50 falling blocks in a chunk
LimitFallingBlocks: true
FallingBlockLimit: 50 # Max in a chunk
# Prevent having a shit ton of exp bottles in one chunk then loading it to kill the server
LimitExpBottles: true
ExpBottleLimit: 25 # Max in a chunk, doesn't limit the actual xp orbs.
# Prevent projectiles such as xp bottles and snowballs from going through portals, this can cause a shit ton of lag especially if there is new chunks on the other end, this wont prevent mobs or items
PreventProjectilesFromGoingThroughPortals: true
PreventMinecartLag: true
MaxVehiclesInChunk: 25
StrictVehicleCheck: false # Check all chunks every 10 seconds (200 ticks) for vehicles.
PreventTooManyEntitiesInChunk: false # Check all chunks every 30 seconds for too many entities, removes any entities left after reaching limit
MaxEntitiesInChunk: 100 # Does not include living entities. (animals/monsters) useful if players are placing a shit ton of crystals etc in one chunk and crashing the server.
LogEntityRemovals: false
EntityCheckTimeTicks: 20 # 1 second
PreventBowBombExploit: true # Please report any problems in GitHub/Discord.
MaxBowSquaredVelocity: 15 # Fully pulled bow is ~9-10. 15 is default just to be safe.
AntiBedTrap: false
AntiBedTrapDeathAmount: 2 # x deaths in 30 secs will reset someones bed.
# This will automatically teleport players below nether roof if they are too high. Use permission node anarchyexploitfixes.netherroofbypass to bypass
PreventNetherRoof: false
#Dupe preventions
DisableChestsOnDonkeys: false
PreventDonkeysFromGoingThroughPortals: false
PatchEndPortalDupe: true # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLvErqzeK3Y
# Not sure if this works, please try it
ExperimentalDupePatch: true
# I don't know if this works, someone on discord said I should prevent the mobs from despawning if they are 500 blocks near a player.
# Automatically disabled in non 1.12 because it causes a SHIT ton of mobs to spawn: https://i.imgur.com/f691cep.png and disabled by default in the config because a shit ton of enderman spawn
ExperimentalDupePatch2: false
# Other options
# If the server is running a version higher than 1.12.2 there will be a shit ton of errors for some config options. It is not recommended to enable this unless you know they work.
OverideConfigChanges: false
DisableAllProtocolLib: false # Use only if you are having problems with protocollib when starting the plugin (especially 1.16)
MaskKickMessages: false
KickMessage: "&6You have lost connection to the server"
PreventSpamKick: false
Preventlinks: false # Code by John200410, edited by moomoo
Replace@: false
# If you want to hide yourself or someone else when logging into the game, just give these rights:
# anarchyexploitfixes.silentJoin
# anarchyexploitfixes.silentLeave
JoinLeaveMessages: false
ConnectionMsgsOnByDefault: true # /toggleconnectionmsgs
EnableFirstJoinMessage: false
FirstJoinMessage: "&7%player% joined the game for the first time. They are %players_num% to join." # %players_num% is how many players have joined the server + the current one (ex. 351th)
JoinMessage: "&7%player% joined the game."
LeaveMessage: "&7%player% left the game."
DisabledMessage: "&7Disabled connection msgs"
EnabledMessage: "&7Enabled connection msgs"
# This will make it pretty much impossible to find your plugins as only the commands you specify will be able to work. Any other commands will show "Bad command. Type /help for all commands."
CommandWhitelist: false
AllowOPStobypass: true
- /help
- /msg
- /kill
- /discord
- /togglechat
- /toggletells
- /ignore
- /ignorelist
- /toggledeathmsg
- /stats
- /tps
- /w
- /m
- /t
- /pm
- /tell
- /whisper
- /r
- /reply
- "what's 2+2"
- "^This is a(.*)banned message" # Prevents any message that starts with "This is a" and ends with "banned message"
- "(https?://(?:www\\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[^\\s]{2,}|www\\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[^\\s]{2,}|https?://(?:www\\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[^\\s]{2,}|www\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[^\\s]{2,})"
- "[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{1,256}\\.[a-zA-Z()]{1,6}\\b([-a-zA-Z()@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)"
# Specific Elytra speed settings for ONLY NEW and OLD chunks (set nocheatplus elytra settings to 999999)
# Disable by setting to 999999
ElytraOldChunkSpeed: 1.81 # 130km/h
ElytraNewChunkSpeed: 1.81 # 130km/h
# Burst elytra speed settings, if the tps is above the amount it will use these settings.
EnableBursting: true
ElytraBurstOldChunkSpeed: 5
ElytraBurstOldChunkTPS: 18
ElytraBurstNewChunkSpeed: 3.12 # 223km/h
ElytraBurstNewChunkTPS: 19
# Spawn elytra settings
Enabled: false
SpeedOldChunks: 1.0
SpeedNewChunks: 0.8
Radius: 3000
LimitRenderDistanceBasedOnTPS: false # Recommended not to use, papers render distance changer is laggy? Try at your own will.
# Radius for chunks when the server is below your tps amount
NewChunkRadius: 3
OldChunkRadius: 3
# Radius for chunks when the server is above your tps amount
NewChunkBurstRadius: 3
OldChunkBurstRadius: 6
# If the server is below this tps it will use the non burst radius.
NewChunkBurstTPS: 19
OldChunkBurstTPS: 18
# Show some info on the actionbar while flying with elytra.
ElytraActionBar: true
# Patches the future/rusherhack/kamiblue 2b2t elytra fly exploit
PatchPacketElytraFly: false
OnlyElytraPacketKick: false #If enabled, the plugin will not remove elytra from the player, but simply disconnect from the server.
enabled: false
message: "&cDisable Packet Elytra Fly." # for action bar and kick message
# Recommended to not go lower as there could be false positives.
MaxElytraOpensPer10Seconds: 25 # Will only allow players to go about 85km/h on kami blue, and won't even work on rusherhack.
# Patch future/rusher packet fly
PreventPacketFly: true
# Max teleport packets per 10 seconds, this is how the packet fly works, 25 is usually fine, if you go lower players may get stuck.
MaxTeleportPacketsPer10Seconds: 25
LogPacketFlyEvents: false
# Patch futureclient/rusherhack boat fly exploit