开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):gekware/minecraft-server-hibernation开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/gekware/minecraft-server-hibernation开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Go 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Minecraft Server HibernationAvoid wasting of resources by automatically starting your minecraft server when a player join and stopping it when no one is online version: v2.4.4 Check the releases to download the binaries (for linux, windows and macos) You can compile msh from the dev branch to access a more updated version but beware that it might still need testing PROGRAM COMPILATION:This version was successfully compiled in go version 1.15
* = it's not compulsory to modify this parameter remember to automatically run msh at reboot DEFINITIONS:only text in braces needs to be modified (remember to remove all braces) Location of server folder and executable. You can find protocol/version here (but msh should set them automatically): "Server": {
"Folder": "{path/to/server/folder}",
"FileName": "{server.jar}",
"Protocol": 756,
"Version": "1.17.1"
} Commands to start and stop minecraft server: "Commands": {
"StartServer": "java <Commands.StartServerParam> -jar <Server.FileName> nogui",
"StartServerParam": "-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M",
"StopServer": "stop",
"StopServerAllowKill": 10
# if StopServerAllowKill is more than 0, then the specified number is the amount of seconds
# given to the minecraft server to go offline, after which it is killed Set the logging level for debug purposes "Debug": 1
# 0 - NONE: no log
# 1 - BASE: basic log
# 2 - SERV: mincraft server log
# 3 - DEVE: developement log
# 4 - BYTE: connection bytes log Hibernation and Starting server description "InfoHibernation": " §fserver status:\n §b§lHIBERNATING",
"InfoStarting": " §fserver status:\n §6§lWARMING UP", Set to false if you don't want to notify updates in game chat (every 20 minutes) "NotifyUpdate": true 60 seconds is the time (after the last player disconnected) that the script waits before hibernating the minecraft server "TimeBeforeStoppingEmptyServer": 30 #any parameter more than 30s is recommended Some of these parameters can be configured with command-line arguments (--help to know which) CREDITS:Author: gekigek99 Contributors: najtin, f8ith, Br31zh, someotherotherguy, navidmafi, cromefire If you wish to contribute, please create a pull request using the dev branch as the base for your changes github!Give a star to this repository on |