开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):Ozsie/detekt-maven-plugin开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/Ozsie/detekt-maven-plugin开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Kotlin 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Detekt Maven PluginA maven plugin that wraps the Detekt CLI. It supports the same parameters as the Detekt CLI. How to useBasic configuration<build>
</build> Using the above configuration, Detekt will scan source files in ${basedir}/src and output the results in ${basedir}/detekt. All parameters available to Detekt version can be configured in the plugin. Remote configurationThe plugin supports remote config over http and https. <build>
</build> Using plugin<build>
</build> Or <build>
</build> Specify report files<build>
</build> Alternatively, the configuration can be placed outside of the
</build> Set baselineFirst a baseline file needs to be generated mvn detekt:cb This will generate a baseline file for each module named as <build>
</build> Using Type ResolutionSee Issue #144 for an explanation. <build>
</build> GoalscheckUsed to run detekt. All cli parameters, excluding -gc and -cb, are available using -Ddetekt.{parameter} Examples
create-baselineUsed to create a baseline. All cli parameters, excluding -gc and -cb, are available using -Ddetekt.{parameter}. By default, a file called baseline-.xml will be generated. If you include -Ddetekt.baseline in the call you can specify some other name for the baseline file. Examples
generate-configUsed to generate a default configuration file Example
For more information on Detekt, have a look at https://github.com/detekt/detekt ContributorsLicense |