开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):icsl-Jeon/traj_gen开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/icsl-Jeon/traj_gen开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):HTML 92.9%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):traj_gen : a continuous trajectory generation with simple API (C++/Matlab/Python)Version 2.1.0 (Mar 22, 2020) *traj_gen* is a continuous trajectory generation package where high order derivatives along the trajectory are minimized while satisfying waypoints (equality) and axis-parallel box constraint (inequality). The objective and constraints are formulated in *quadratic programming* (QP) to cater the real-time performance. The whole code is written in C++ and Matlab (go to [submodule](https://github.com/icsl-Jeon/traj_gen-matlab) for its API). The C++ API was tested in Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/18.04. Especially, if you are looking for a off-the-shelf ROS implementation, checkout ros branch
Getting started1. Installation
2. C++ API quick start(1) Basic example (PolyTrajGen class)#include <traj_gen2/TrajGen.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace trajgen;
using namespace Eigen;
int main(){
// 1. Prameter setting
const int dim = 3; uint poly_order = 8, max_conti = 4;
time_knots ts{0,2,4,7};
PolyParam pp(poly_order,max_conti,ALGORITHM::POLY_COEFF);
Vector3f objWeights(0,1,1);
PolyTrajGen<dim> pTraj(ts,pp);
// 2. Pin
// 2.1 FixPin
FixPin<dim> x1(0.0f,0,Vector3f(0,0,0));
FixPin<dim> x2(2.0f,0,Vector3f(2,-1,2));
FixPin<dim> x3(4.0f,0,Vector3f(5,3,4));
FixPin<dim> x4(7.0f,0,Vector3f(7,-5,5));
std::vector<Pin<dim>*> pinSet{&x1,&x2,&x3,&x4}; // to prevent downcasting slicing, vector of pointers
FixPin<dim> xdot0(0.0f,1,Vector3f(0,0,0));
FixPin<dim> xddot0(0.0f,2,Vector3f(0,0,0));
pTraj.addPin(&xdot0); pTraj.addPin(&xddot0);
// 2.2 LoosePin
LoosePin<dim> passCube(3.0f,0,Vector3f(3,-3,1),Vector3f(4.2,-2,2));
// 3. Solve
pTraj.setDerivativeObj(objWeights); bool verbose = false;
bool isSolved = pTraj.solve(verbose);
// 4. Evaulate the curve
float t_eval = 3,d_eval = 1;
Vector3f xdot_eval = pTraj.eval(t_eval,d_eval);
if (isSolved)
cout << xdot_eval << endl;
return 0;
(2) Advanced example (PolyTrajGen + OptimTrajGen)#include <traj_gen2/TrajGen.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace trajgen;
using namespace Eigen;
using Type = double ;
int main(){
// 1. Prameter setting
// common
const int dim = 3;
time_knots<Type> ts{0,2,4,7};
Vector<Type,3> objWeights(0,1,1);
// polyTrajGen
uint poly_order = 8, max_conti = 4;
PolyParam pp(poly_order,max_conti,ALGORITHM::END_DERIVATIVE); // or ALGORITHM::POLY_COEFF
// optimTrajGen
Type pntDensity = 5;
// 2. Pin
// 2.1 FixPin
FixPin<Type,dim> x1(0.0f,0,Vector<Type,dim>(0,0,0));
FixPin<Type,dim> x2(2.0f,0,Vector<Type,dim>(2,-1,2));
FixPin<Type,dim> x3(4.0f,0,Vector<Type,dim>(5,3,4));
FixPin<Type,dim> x4(7.0f,0,Vector<Type,dim>(7,-5,5));
FixPin<Type,dim> xdot0(0.0f,1,Vector<Type,dim>(0,0,0));
FixPin<Type,dim> xddot0(0.0f,2,Vector<Type,dim>(0,0,0));
// 2.2 LoosePin
LoosePin<Type,dim> passCube(3.0f,0,Vector<Type,dim>(3,-3,1),Vector<Type,dim>(4.2,-2,2));
std::vector<Pin<Type,dim>*> pinSet{&x1,&x2,&x3,&x4,&xdot0,&xddot0,&passCube}; // to prevent downcasting slicing, vector of pointers
// Let's test the two trajGen class
TrajGen<Type,dim>** pTrajGenSet = new TrajGen<Type,dim>*[2];
pTrajGenSet[0] = new PolyTrajGen<Type,dim>(ts,pp);
pTrajGenSet[1] = new OptimTrajGen<Type,dim>(ts,pntDensity);
bool verbose = false;
bool isSolved = false;
string TrajGenClass[2] = {"PolyTraj","OptimTraj"};
Type t_eval = 3; d_order d_eval = 1;
for (uint i = 0 ; i <2 ; i++) {
auto begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
isSolved = pTrajGenSet[i]->solve(verbose);
printf("For %s, The evaluated value for (t=%.2f, d=%d) : ",TrajGenClass[i].c_str(),t_eval,d_eval);
if (isSolved)
cout << pTrajGenSet[i]->eval(t_eval,d_eval).transpose() << endl;
cout << "Failed. " << endl;
auto end= std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "Total time : " <<
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - begin).count()*1e-3 << "[ms]" << std::endl;
return 0;
3. Using traj_gen in your cmake project (CMakeLists.txt)
Detailed description on APIParameters (arguments in constructor and setDerivativeObj method)
Public methods
[1] Mellinger, Daniel, and Vijay Kumar. "Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors." 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2011. [2] Richter, Charles, Adam Bry, and Nicholas Roy. "Polynomial trajectory planning for aggressive quadrotor flight in dense indoor environments." Robotics Research. Springer, Cham, 2016. 649-666. [3] Ratliff, Nathan, et al. "CHOMP: Gradient optimization techniques for efficient motion planning." 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2009. |