Acknowledgement: The tutorial uses the SE-Sync implementation by David Rosen.
CVX: Please download CVX according to your OS and put the "cvx" folder at the same folder level as this "GlobalOptimizationTutorial" folder (e.g. "path/Matlab/cvx" and "path/Matlab/GlobalOptimizationTutorial"), and then go inside the "cvx" folder from Matlab console and run cvx_setup.
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As simple as just openning, reading and running the Tutorial_presentation.mlx (Tutorial_complete.mlx contains the solution)
Alternatively, you can just read the Tutorial_complete.pdf
Rosen, D. M., Carlone, L., Bandeira, A. S., & Leonard, J. J. (2018). SE-Sync: a certifiably correct algorithm for synchronization over the Special Euclidean group. Intl. J. of Robotics Research (IJRR). (pdf)
Eriksson, A., Olsson, C., Kahl, F., & Chin, T.-J. (2018). Rotation averaging and strong duality. In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). (pdf)