MatSurv is a simple survival analysis function for MATLAB (version 2016b and later) that creates a KM plot with risk table. Survival statistics, such as log-rank p-value and hazard ratio (HR) are also calculated. The log-rank test has been evaluated to give the same results as SAS and R. The style of the KM plot is easily changed with input parameters. No additional toolboxes are needed or depended upon. MatSurv was inspired by the survminer R-package.
MatSurv allows MATLAB users to create KM-plots with a risk table and also to perform a log-rank test between two or more groups. An event is, for example, death, relapse of disease, or a new metastatic tumor. If none of these events occur during the study period, the time-to-event is unknown, this point is called censored. A risk table describe the number of patients that are still “at-risk” at a specific timepoint. MatSurv also provides a fine grained customization of the KM-plots, making it suitable for publications. MatSurv hopefully will make the life easier for fellow Bioinformaticians (and other professionals) who prefer MATLAB over R.
Citing MatSurv
Creed et al., (2020). MatSurv: Survival analysis and visualization in MATLAB. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(46), 1830,
MATLAB Release Compatibility
Compatible with R2016b to R2019b
Recent Improvements
2022-02-17 : Added options to use all four quartile groups, use 'CutPoint','QuartileAll
2020-04-08 : Added logrank test for trend, use 'LogRankTrend',true
Simple Example
The following code loads the data from "Freireich, EJ et al. 1963, Blood, 21, 699-716)" and creates a KM plot with risk table. The time unit is weeks and the x-axis step length is changed to 4. The risk table shows how many are at risk (alive) for each time point. Censored points are marked with a vertical line.
[p,fh,stats]=MatSurv([], [], [],'Xstep',4);
Using MatSurv
Simply put MatSurv.m in any directory of your choice and make sure it is added to your path.
MatSurv(TimeVar, EventVar, GroupVar,'param', value, ...) creates a Kaplan-Meier plot with
a risk table and calculates a log-rank p-value.
[p] = MatSurv( ... ) returns the log-rank p-value
[p, fh] = MatSurv( ... ) returns both p-value and figure handle
[p, fh, stats] = MatSurv( ... ) returns additions stats from the log-rank test
[p, fh, stats] = MatSurv([], [], [], ... ) loads a test dataset from "Freireich, EJ et al. 1963, Blood, 21, 699-716"
TimeVar is a vector with numeric time to event, either observed or
censored. Values equal or less than zero will be removed by default
EventVar is a vector or cell array defining events or censored
observations. Events are defined with a 1 and censored point with a 0. By
default 'Dead', 'Deceased', 'Relapsed', 'Yes' are considered as events.
'Alive', 'Living', 'Not Relapsed', 'DiseaseFree', 'No' are considered as censored.
'EventDefinition' can be used to define other types of events.
GroupVar is a vector or cell array defining the different groups.
if GroupVar is a numeric vector, median-cut will be used as a default.
p : Log-rank p-value
fh : Figure handle for KM plot figure
stats : Structure with additional statistics in the following fields:
This example is taken from the TCGA laml data set. Obtaining the data from cBioPortal can be found in the MatSurv/Article/MATLAB/get_laml_RC_data.m script. The samples are diveded into three groups based on their Cyto score. It is clear from the KM-Plot below that these groups have different outcomes.
Groups can be merged using a multilevel cell as GroupToUse input
This example will merge the poor and N.D group. The first element in the cell array will define the name of the merged group and can either be the name of an existing group or a new group name.
This example is also taken from the TCGA LAML dataset but we in this example we will be using RNAseq gene expression data for the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) gene. HGF gene expression has been related to outcome in a variety of cancers, including of the lungs, pancreas, thyroid, colon, and breast. Obtaining the data from cBioPortal can be found in the MatSurv/Article/MATLAB/get_laml_HGF_gene_data.m script. The expression level of a gene is continues and if no prior knowledge is available, the median is frequqently used to divide the samples into two groups, see the first graph below. Using the top 25% and bottom 25%, quartiles, is also frequently used, see the second graph below. Finally, if one or several cut-points level are known, these can also be used, third graph below.
For this example we will load the data directly.
loadlaml_HGF_gene_data.mat% Using median cut
% Using quartile
% Using Two Cut points
Median cut
Two cut points
Unit Test
A test script for MatSurv can be found in the UnitTest directory.
List of all input options
NoPlot: A true/false value which, if true, no figure is created
(default: false)
NoRiskTable: A true/false value which, if true, no risk table is
included in the KM plot. (default: false)
CutPoint: Either a string or scalar/vector with cut points to be used
for defining groups based on a continuous GroupVar input variable
Allowed names are: 'Median', 'Quartile', 'QuartileAll' or 'Tertile'
If a scalar or vector is given, the groups will be defined based on the
cut points. (default: 'Median')
GroupsToUse: Cell array defining what groups to use from the GroupVar
variable. Groups can be merged using a multilevel cell structure, for example:
{{'Group 1+2','Group1','Group2'},'Group3','Group4'} Group 1 & 2 will be
merged and called Group 1+2 (default: all groups are used)
GroupOrder: A cell array or vector defining the group order to be used in the
legend. The vector needs to have the same number of elements as groups
while the cell array does not have that requirement.
(default: Groups are sorthed by GroupsToUse if defined, else alphabetically)
EventDefinition: Two element cell array where the first cell defines
the event and the second defines censored values. Example {'Dead,'Alive'}
TimeMin: Scalar defining minimum valid time point. Subjects with time
values below this will be removed. (default: 0)
MinNumSamples: Scalar defining minimum number of samples for a Group
Groups with less samples will be removed. (default: 2)
TimeMax: Scalar value defining right censoring time. Subjects with
TimeVar > TimeMax will be set to TimeMax and considered as censored.
(default: [])
LogRankTrend: A true/false for performing a log rank test for trend
requires equally spaced ordered groups (default: false)
PairWiseP: A true/false value for calculating pairwise log-rank test
between group pairs; useful if there are more than two groups. (default: false)
NoWarnings: A true/false value which, if true, no warnings are printed
if subjects are removed. (default: false)
MedianLess: By default 'x < median' is used for median cut, but if false
'x > median' is used instead, only affect the results when there
is an odd number of samples (default: true)
KM plot options
legend: Whether to show group legend. Default: true
LineColor: Either a matrix of size numLevels-by-3 representing the
colormap to be used, or a string for a MATLAB colormap (lines, parula,
cool, prism) or 'JCO' 'nejm' 'Lancet' 'Science' 'Nature' 'lines' for a
set of journal dependent palettes or custom default 'aeb01' (default:'aeb01')
FlipGroupOrder: Flips the order of the groups in the legend.
(default: false)
FlipColorOrder: Flips the color order of the groups.
(default: false)
KM_position: Vector defining the KM axes for the KM plot.
(default: [0.3 0.4 0.68 0.45])
RT_position: Vector defining the risk table axes for the KM plot.
(default: [0.3 0.05 0.68 0.20])
TimeUnit: String defining the time unit displayed on the x-axis.
(default: 'Months')
BaseFontSize: Base font size for all text in the plot.
(default: 16)
DispP: A true/false value which, if true, the log-rank test p-value
is displayed on the KM plot. (default: true)
DispHR: A true/false value which, if true, the HR
is displayed on the KM plot. (default: true)
Use_HR_MH: A true/false value which, if true, Mantel-Haenszel HR
is displayed instead of the logrank HR. (default: true)
InvHR: A true/false value which, if true, the inverted HR value
is displayed on the KM plot. (default: false)
DrawMSL: A true/false value which, if true, a line for the median
survival time is drawn in the KM-plot. (default: false)
XLim: Vector defining the x-limit. Does not affect the log-rank test.
(default: automatic)
LineWidth: Scalar defining the line width used in the KM plot.
(Default: 2)
LineStyle: Cell array defining the line style for the KM plot.
If an array is given each group will have different linestyle, for example
(Default: {'-'})
CensorLineWidth: Scalar defining the line width of the censored ticks.
(default: 2)
CensorLineLength: Scalar defining the length of the censored ticks.
(Default: 0.02)
CensorLineColor: Text string defining color of censor ticks. 'same'
gives the same colors as the lines while 'k' makes them black
(Default: 'same')
Xstep: Scalar defining the x-tick step length.
(defaut: automatic)
XTicks: Vector defining the position of the x-tick marks.
(Default: automatic)
XMinorTick: Scalar defining the number of minor ticks between major x-ticks. (Default: 1)
Xlabel: Text string for x-label (Default: 'Time (Months)')
XlabelOptions: MATLAB Name-value pair arguments for x-label. (Default: '')
XLabelFontSize: Scalar describing x-label font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: 0)
XTickFontSize: Scalar describing x-tick font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: -2)
YLim: Vector defining the range of the Y-axis (Default: [0 1])
YTicks: Vector defining the position of the x-tick marks.
(Default: [0:0.2:1])
YMinorTick: Scalar defining the number of minor ticks between major y-ticks. (Default: 1)
Ylabel: Text string for y-label. (Default: 'Survival Probability' )
YlabelOptions: MATLAB name-value pair arguments for y-label. (Default: '')
YLabelFontSize: Scalar describing y-label font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: 0)
YTickFontSize: Scalar describing y-tick font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: -2)
Title: Text string for title. (Default:'')
TitleOptions: MATLAB name-value pair arguments for title. (Default:'')
LegendFontSize: Scalar describing legend font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: -2)
PvalFontSize: Scalar describing p-value font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: 0)
Risk table plot options
RT_KMplot: A true/false value which, if true, the risk table is placed
as a part of the KM-plot. (default: False)
RT_XAxis: A true/false value which, if true, a X-axis line is
included in the risk table. (default: True)
RT_FontSize: Scalar describing risk table font size change compared
to base font size. (Default: 0)
RT_Color: Text string defining color of risk table text. 'same'
gives the same colors as the groups in the KM plot while 'k' would make
them black. (Default: 'same')
RT_Title: Text string for risk table title. (Default: '' )