Change the code to make the path point to your MatConvNet path.
Open Matlab and run main_caser.m
Datasets are organized in 2 seperate files: train.txt and test.txt
Same to other data format for recommendation, each file contains a collection of triplets:
user, item, rating
The only difference is the triplets are organized in time order.
As the problem is Sequential Reommendation, the rating doesn't matter, so I convert them to all 1.
Model Args (in main_caser.m)
L: length of sequence
T: number of targets
rate_once: whether each item will only be rated once by each user
early_stop: whether to perform early stop during training
d: number of latent dimensions
nv: number of vertical filters
nh: number of horizontal filters
ac_conv: activation function for convolution layer (i.e., phi_c in paper)
ac_fc: activation function for fully-connected layer (i.e., phi_a in paper)
drop_rate: drop ratio when performing dropout
If you use this Caser in your paper, please cite the paper:
title={Personalized Top-N Sequential Recommendation via Convolutional Sequence Embedding},
author={Tang, Jiaxi and Wang, Ke},
booktitle={ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining},
For easy implementation and flexibility, I didn't implement below things: