开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):clausqr/qrsim2开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/clausqr/qrsim2开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):MATLAB 99.8%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Quadrotor Simulator using Matlab/Simulink and FlightgearThe aim of this simulator is to
I used it on my thesis to test a global, robust, non-linear controller based on Lyapunov functions. This controller can to track any arbitrary desired orientation of the Quadrotor within a specified error bound, and the results provide a way to translate bounded measurement and navigation errors to final pointing accuracy errors, and also to obtain a bound on the tracking accuracy given the timestep used for the digital implementation of the continuous controller. If you want to find out more please have a look at my thesis! ##Blocks The modular approach allows for customization of the different blocks: a. Command Generation Block / Joystick Input Each block is implemented inside a standalone .m file that gets called from within simulink as a level-2 s-file. The name of the .m files is self explanatory (Quadrotor_Navigation.m, Quadrotor_Controller.m, etc.). Global initialization is done with a callback hooked up on ModelInit, implemented through modelo2Initialization.m ##Visualization with Flightgear The last block allows for Flightgear visualization, see Flightgear-QUADLSE-Model for a nice UAV model to use with Flightgear. Otherwise it's straightforward. ##Structure Almost all functionality is implemented in separate .m files for easy tweaking. Launching
load_model('modelo2a.slx') ... ./fgfs --fdm=network,localhost,5501,5502,5503 --fog-fastest --disable-clouds --in-air --enable-freeze --aircraft=QUADLSE ... |