This is a proof-of-concept MATLAB color scheme changer that works when MATLAB is open.
There are currently several options to use this code:
Option 1 (basic CLI)
Put applyPrfFile.m in your path/cd and supply it with a path to a standard .prf file.
Option 2 (class-based)
Add ColorSetting.m and MatlabTheme.m to your MATLAB path, or put them in your active directory then run MatlabTheme.applyTheme().
Currently new themes should be subclasses of MatlabTheme with different cs properties.
Option 3 (GUI)
For a GUI experience, run matlabThemeChooser.m. Note that this method requires the GUI Layout Toolbox.
The enumeration class, unfortunately, cannot be used as-is, and it is just provided for reference.
prefname/prefvalue pairs as appear in colorSettingsEnum.m (the 3rd file), and correspond to the color setting found in the
Preferences > MATLAB > Colors and Preferences > MATLAB > Colors > Programming Tools menus.