开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):TesterTi/LIDCToolbox开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/TesterTi/LIDCToolbox开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Perl 88.2%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):LIDC Matlab ToolboxThomas A. Lampert, ICube, University of Strasbourg This work was carried out as part of the FOSTER project, which is funded by the French Research Agency (Contract ANR Cosinus, ANR-10-COSI-012-03-FOSTER, 2011—2014): http://foster.univ-nc.nc/ IntroductionThis toolbox accompanies the following paper: T. Lampert, A. Stumpf, and P. Gancarski, 'An Empirical Study of Expert Agreement and Ground Truth Estimation', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (6): 2557–2572, 2016. I kindly request you to cite the paper if you use this toolbox for research purposes. The toolbox contains functions for converting the LIDC database XML annotation files into images. The main function is LIDC_process_annotations, this function extracts the readings for each individual marker in the database, and then creates a TIFF image related to each slice of the scan. OverviewThe function works whether the images are present or not. Nevertheless, the images are used to sort the slices and therefore without them the output will not be in 'anatomical' order. The slice spacing is first determined from the dicom images if they are present, and if Max fails it is then calculated automatically from the annotations. There are two paths to set in the LIDC_process_annotations.m file, the first to the LIDC dataset, this will be
searched recursively for all XML files and the processing will be performed on each. The second path is the
output path, if the images are present in the dataset then three folders will be created: gts, images, masks.
Please note that neither of these paths can contain a space. Each of these folders will contain folders that
are named after the StudyInstanceID of the relevant scan (minus the first '',
which seems to be constant throughout the dataset), and within the gts folder several folders named slice1 ...
sliceX, where X is the number of slices for which reader annotations were found. Each of these folders contains
the files InstallationTo use the toolbox's functions, simply add the toolbox directory to Matlab's path. Within the header of each function may be found a short description of its purpose. The function LIDC_xml_2_pmap uses (a slightly modified version of) the external Perl script max.pl (https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/Lung+Image+Database+Consortium) and therefore requires that Perl is installed, furthermore the following packages should be installed:
More information can be found in the header of LIDC_process_annotations.m and the max.pl script located in ./support_software/max.pl. If you are using OSX (and perhaps Linux) you may also need to update the perl_library_path variable in LIDC_xml_2_pmap.m to point to the correct location of these libraries (particularly if you receive the error "Can't locate XML/Twig.pm" or it complains that XML::Twig is not installed, when it is). To install these packages the following command can be executed (use sudo if on OSX):
NOTE: This toolbox was created under Matlab 2013a and OSX, I have also tested it under Windows 7 x64 using Matlab 2012b. NOTE: Many functions include assignments such as [~, var1] = someFunction(input), which is only supported in versions of Matlab newer than 2009b. You can replace these assignments to [ignore, var1] = someFunction(input) for versions earlier than 2010a, although I've not tested that no other incompatibilities exist. Quick Start - Windows
To do that, start the Windows command prompt and execute the following commands:
Your computer is now ready to use the toolbox. To begin using the toolbox
Quick Start - OS X/Linux
To do that, start the terminal and execute the following commands:
Your computer is now ready to use the toolbox. To begin using the toolbox
If you find any problems or would like to contribute some code to the toolbox then please contact me. ValidationThe sample output of three scans is included in the "sample_output" directory. This is a sample of the output that should be expected when the full dataset is downloaded (i.e. annotations and images) and processed. When only the annotations are present, the "images" and "masks" directories will not be created. Please note that the images will appear black in most standard viewers, this is because the masks contain binary values (0s and 1s), and the scan images contain the original DICOM values and therefore they are not scaled to the standard image value range (0–255). The recommended viewing method is to load them into a programming environment and use an image viewing function that performs automatic range scaling, i.e. (using Matlab)
Known ProblemsWithout the images Max (used in the backend) will attempt to infer the slice spacing from the annotations, which may fail or the automatically calculated value will cause error messages such as:
AcknowledgementsPeyton Bland gave considerable advice with regards to the Max software upon which this toolbox is based. Hamada Rasheed Hassan also contributed through extensive testing of the toolbox under Windows and in helping write this readme file. |