开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):EwingKang/Dubins-RRT-for-MATLAB开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/EwingKang/Dubins-RRT-for-MATLAB开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):MATLAB 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Dubins-RRT-for-MATLABAboutRRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees) using Dubins curve, with collision check in MATLAB IntroRRT, the Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees is a ramdomized method of exploring within dimensions. This method can effectively generate a path to reach any point within certain limited steps due to its random characteristics. This method is proprosed by LaValle, Steven M. in October 1998, in his technical report to Computer Science Department of Iowa State University as "Rapidly-exploring random trees: A new tool for path planning" Today, multiple variation of RRT method is widely applied with path planning problem among UAVs for ground based, aerial, and marinetime vehicles. AlgorithmFor the sake of simplicity, I will discuss the algorithm only with 2-D planes. The problem is, given a starting point and limited boundary, how do we reach everypoint within the area systematically? The method itself is very simple, only repeative iteration of are 4 steps.
Running the programsThere are 4 main programs, see the comments in each file for more detail
Note: All plotting related function have the filename starts with plot_xxxxx_xxxx.m. Execution Time
LicenseReleased under GPLv3 license Dubins path generator is a MATLAB re-written from Andrew Walker's work, which was originally distributed under MIT license in C language. See LICENSE file for more info. TODOS