git clone [the url for pyemd]
cd pyemd
python install
Note the code requires Python 2 (Python 3 is not supported) and depends on the
numpy and scipy packages. So have those installed first. The build will
likely fail if it can't find them. For more information, see:
NumPy: Library for efficient matrix math in Python
MATLAB: clone the repository and cd to the matlab subdirectory. Either
set the MATLABDIR environment variable, or edit the first line of the Makefile
to set the path to the desired MATLAB installation, and then run make.
After the MEX file has compiled, add the matlab subdirectory to the MATLAB
path (e.g., by using the addpath command in MATLAB).
Several Python wrappers for C-based EMD implementations already exist, so why is
another one necessary? There are two popular alternative approaches, each with
their limitations:
Solve a LP with GLPK: Since the transportation problem is a special case
of the general LP formulation, it can be solved more efficiently and with
much less use of memory. This implementation is approximately 7-8 times
faster than a GLPK-based solution, and uses about 500 MB of memory when the
GLPK-based solution uses over 10 GB before it crashes my machine. These
figures are from problems in which samples of size ~1000 with ~100 features
are compared using the EMD for the multiple-instance learning problems I
Wrap Yossi Rubner's Implementation: There exist several wrappers of
Yossi Rubner's EMD code,
the most popular of which is in the OpenCV library. The
first limitation of this code is the use of single-precison versus
double-precision floating point numbers. Another issue is a hard-coded
MAX_SIG_SIZE, which limits the size of the samples that can be used in
the EMD computation.
PyEMD is a more "Pythonic" EMD implementation than other wrappers. Only the
minimal amount of computation is done in C (the core transportation algorithm).
This means that the distance computation is done in Python using the efficient
SciPy library, and a custom, precomputed distance matrix can be easily provided.
The EMD implementation can be used simply in Python as:
>>> from emd import emd
>>> emd(X, Y)
where X and Y are each n-dimensional samples of points. Each argument should
be a NumPy array with n columns, but possibly different numbers of rows.
If the sample is weighted, the weights can be specified with optional
X_weights and Y_weights arguments. By default, uniform weights are used.
Because the EMD is a distance between probability measures, the total weights
of each of the two samples must sum to 1.
By default, the Euclidean distance between points is used. However, an optional
argument distance takes a string that specifies a valid distance type accepted
by the scipy.spatial.cdist function. Alternatively, if
distance='precomputed', then a precomputed distance matrix is expected to be
supplied to the optional argument D.
Finally, PyEMD can also return the flows between the two samples that are used
to compute the distance. If the return_flows argument is True, then two
arguments, the distance an array of the flows, are returned.
See the docstring for a more formal description of the functionality. In MATLAB,
the functionality is essentially the same; see the help for details.
If you have used PyEMD for your research and would like to cite it, you can use
the following BibTeX entry:
author = {Gary Doran},
title = {{PyEMD}: Earth Mover's Distance for {Python}},
year = {2014--},
url = "",
note = {[Online; accessed <today>]}
Questions and Issues
If you find any bugs or have any questions about this code, please create an
issue on GitHub, or contact Gary
Doran at Of course, I cannot guarantee any support for
this software.