开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):brian-lau/MatlabAUC开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/brian-lau/MatlabAUC开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):MATLAB 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):MatlabAUCMatlab functions for estimating receiver operating curves (ROC) and the area under the ROC curve (AUC), and various methods for estimating parametric and non-parametric confidence intervals for the AUC estimates. Also included is code for a simple bootstrap test for the estimated area under the ROC against a known value. The available CI estimation methods are:
The logit confidence interval estimator (default) has good coverage, is fairly robust to unbalanced samples and works for ordinal data [2,4]. Simulations show that the Wald intervals have more power for smaller sample sizes (<100 total samples), although these intervals are not robust to unbalanced data, nor do they work for ordinal data [4].
Instructions and example:Install the functions under your Matlab path and have a look at
You can pass arguments through for different bootstrapping options, otherwise the default is a simple percentile bootstrap. This software depends on several functions from the Matlab Statistics toolbox ( The following figure shows the results of some monte-carlo simulations exploring the different confidence interval estimators. Each set of colored data represents 1000 simulations for a different confidence interval estimator (simulation details follow the figure). The bootstrap and logit methods appear to have the best coverage for more extreme AUC values, tending to widen a bit closer to 0.5. The simulations for each estimator are sorted according to the estimated AUC values (solid points), and plotted along with their 95% confidence intervals (thin colored lines). The x's indicate those data where the confidence interval did not cover the true AUC value (black line). Simulations were performed using a binormal model, with a sample size of 50 each for the signal and noise distributions. The noise samples were drawn from a standard normal distribution (mean=0, var=1), while the signal samples were drawn from a normal distribution with mean=0.75 (var=0.75; top row) or a normal distribution with mean=1.75 (var=1.75; bottom row). Bootstrap CIs were estimated using 500 resamples. ContributionsCopyright (c) 2014 Brian Lau brian.lau@upmc.fr, see LICENSE |