开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):xuzhenqi/cnn开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/xuzhenqi/cnn开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):MATLAB 98.2%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):cnnThis is a matlab-code implementation of convolutional neural network. Notes: This repo was deprecated. I suggest you use other deep learning tools, such as caffe, mxnet, tensorflow. They are far more easy to use. Functionality
UsageThe structure of convolutional neural network is conv pool [conv pool] stack2line ['nonlinear'] [] means optional, and can be replicated for many times. Layerconvimplement convolution computing. To make codes flexible, I do not implemente non-linear functions after convlution. You can add a layer to complete the non-linear instead. To use 'conv' layer, you should specify the following parameters: filterDim numFilters nonlineartype If the inputs has multimaps, then you may specify the connection table between the input maps and the output maps: conn_matrix If you don't specify the connection table, then each output map is connected to all input maps. pool/pool'maxpool' and 'meanpool' are both pooling layer. To use pooling layer, the following parameters should be specified: poolDim pooltypes relu/tanh/sigmoid/softmax/softsignThese four types of layers mainly do the non-linear function to the input. y = max(0,x) y = tanh(x) y = 1/exp(-x) y = softmax(x) y = x/(1+abs(x)) To use them, the following parameters should be specified: size Besides, the softmax layer is usually used as output layer. stack2lineAfter convlution and pooling, the multi-dimention "outputs" usually are converted to a vector to be used as the inputs of the densely connected non-linear layers. And stack2line layer is to indicate this converting. Training MethodSGDComputing DeviceCPUonlyDebug Toolsdeconvnetdisplay_traininggradient_checkDatasetMNISTGENKI-R2009a |