开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):robotarium/robotarium-matlab-simulator开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/robotarium/robotarium-matlab-simulator开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):HTML 50.6%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):NEW VERSIONThe simulator has been updated to work with the brand new GRITSBot X! Gains accross the utilities have changes. Please check out the examples to update your own code. MATLAB VersionCurrently, we know that the simulator works with MATLAB 2014b and higher. The backwards compatibility issues are mostly due to changes in the way MATLAB handles figures in newer releases. Required ToolboxesWe make heavy use of MATLAB's optimization toolbox function 'quadprog.' Though this toolbox isn't necessarily required, all of our barrier function algorithms utilize this function. robotarium-matlab-simulatorMATLAB simulator for the Robotarium! The purpose of the Robotarium simulator is to ensure that algorithms perform reasonably well before deployment onto the Robotarium. Note that scripts created for the simulator can be directly deployed onto the Robotarium. To ensure minimum modification after deployment, the simulator has been created to closely approximate the actual behavior of the Robotarium's agents. UsageFirst, take a look at the "examples" folder for a few, simple examples. Note that, to run these examples, you must first run the "init.m" script to add the requisite directories. DocumentationFor example mathematical documentation, FAQs, and more, visit http://www.robotarium.org. |