This image is not the official one. The main difference you can notice is that all processes (web, streaming, sidekiq) are running in a single container, thanks to s6 (a supervision suite). Therefore it's easier to deploy, but not recommended for scaling.
Based on Alpine Linux.
As lightweight as possible.
All-in-one container (s6).
Assets are precompiled.
Database migrations can be run at startup.
No root processes.
Build-time variables
VERSION : version of Mastodon, can be v1.4.1 or master. (default : latest version)
REPOSITORY : location of the code (default : tootsuite/mastodon)
Environment variables you should change
UID : mastodon user id (default : 991)
GID : mastodon group id (default : 991)
RUN_DB_MIGRATIONS : run rake db:migrate at startup (default : true)
SIDEKIQ_WORKERS : number of Sidekiq workers (default : 5)