开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):Elizafox/mastodon-fortune开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/Elizafox/mastodon-fortune开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Makefile 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Mastodon Fortune fileThis is a collection of random funny quotes from Mastodon for use with the Unix fortune program. None of this is official stuff, but you probably knew that if you knew anything about Mastodon. RequirementsThis program requires:
InstallationAdjust variables within for your fortune installation, then do:
(NOTE: the BSD's need gmake here, sorry!) To install potentially offensive fortunes, set Rules for submission/PR'sIt looks like a lot, but it isn't. It's mostly common sense. We'll accept anything that follows the rules, mostly, but it's ultimately at our discretion.
Fortune formatThe format of fortune files is simple: each fortune is separated with a %. That's it. Offensive fortunes go in the Technical detailsFortune uses a program known as Offensive fortunes are rot13'd (also known as the Caesar cipher) to avoid
casual inspection without the CopyrightThe posts are copyright of their respective authors. This stuff is believed to fall under fair use as long as it's non-commercial, but if you start using this for money, it's your problem to figure out the legal implications. |