A command line tool that generates Markdown documentation for Postgres tables in a given schema.
pip install pg-table-markdown
Note: Since pg-table-markdown is intended to connect to Postgres databases, it has a dependedncy on psycopg2. However, psycopg2 includes compiled C modules, and therefore may require compiling from source if it's not already installed. Installing via pip will require python-dev and libpq-dev. psycopg2 maintainers generally recommend installing from binary instead.
Usage: pgtablemd [OPTIONS]
Export Postgres table documentation to a markdown file
--database_url TEXT Database connection URL
--table_schema TEXT Postgres table_schema, default is: public
--output_file TEXT Path for generated markdown file
--max_length To display maximum length of character varying, default is: False
--help Show this message and exit.
For those unfamiliar with Postgres database connection URLs, they use the following format:
Sample Output
The generated Markdown details the column name, type, and default value for each table defined in your schema. It also displays nicely in GitHub (see more here).