I created options for my needs, if you have some new ideas, PR are welcomed.
labelClose'Do you really want to close this window ? Every edit you did could be lost'
labelInsert: 'Insert', This label is used within the image uploader
labelDelete: 'Delete',
labelSuccess: 'Content saved with success', This label is used when saving using ctrl + s
labelImage: 'Insert your image url', This label is used within the image uploader is not availabled
labelConfirm: 'Do you really want to delete this picture ?'
preview: true, Enable the preview for the inline editor (preview is always displayed when fullscreen is enabled
uploader: false, false to disable the image uploader (using drag'n drop) or a string containing the REST api endpoint
uploaderData: {}, additional data to send when uploading (CSRF token for instance
ctrls: true, enable autosaving, it will submit the form using ajax (so if you have additional fields, they will be sent too)
images: [], an array containing initial images to display within the image uploader
imageURL: function(){ return el.url }, how to fetch the image URL from the image data
flash: function(message, type) {return window.alert(message) }, a function that display error or success message. you can replace it using jgrowl or a notification system of your choice.
Before you can start you have to download you have to install npm dependencies, bower dependencies, then start gulp serve task
npm install
bower install
gulp serve
Then you can edit app/scripts/mdeditor.coffee to do some edits.
Rework the gulpfile.js
Test it on multiple browsers (only tested with chrome atm)