A component for rendering Markdown in React Native. Pull requests welcome.
Known issues
Due to a bug in underlying layout engine for React Native (facebook/css-layout), this module will put your application in an infinite loop unless you patch the upstream changes from css-layout's' Layout.c and Layout.h files.
Getting started
npm install react-native-markdown --save
All you need is to require the react-native-markdown module and then use the
<Markdown/> tag.
}=React;varMarkdown=require('react-native-markdown');varmdApp=React.createClass({render: function(){return(<View><Markdown>
Some *really* basic **Markdown**.
| # | Name | Age |{'\n'}
| 1 | John | 19 |{'\n'}
| 2 | Sally | 18 |{'\n'}
| 3 | Stream | 20 |{'\n'}</Markdown></View>);}});AppRegistry.registerComponent('mdApp',()=>mdApp);
Default style properties will be applied to the markdown. You will likely want to customize these styles, the following properties can be used to modify the rendered elements:
Note: The text inside the parentheses denotes the element type.
autolink (<Text>) - WIP
blockQuote (<Text>) - WIP
br (<Text>)
codeBlock (<View>) - WIP
del (<Text>)
em (<Text>)
heading (<Text>) - Also heading1 through heading6
hr (<View>)
image (<Image>) - Implemented but size is fixed to 50x50 until auto width is supported by React Native.
inlineCode (<Text>)
link (<Text>) - WIP
list (<View>) - Also listItem (<View>), listItemBullet (<Text>) and listItemNumber (<Text>)
mailto (<Text>) - WIP
newline (<Text>) - WIP
paragraph (<View>)
plainText (<Text>) - Use for styling text without any associated styles
strong (<Text>)
table (<View>)
tableHeader (<View>)
tableHeaderCell (<Text>)
tableRow (<View>)
tableRowCell (<View>)
tableRowLast (<View>, inherits from tableRow)
text (<Text>) - Inherited by all text based elements
u (<View>)
url (<Text>)
view (<View>) - This is the container View that the Markdown is rendered in.