MusicTheory adds a bunch of basic enums and structs that you can define pretty much any music related data. Most importants are Pitch, Key, Scale and Chord.
All data types conforms Codable, CustomStringConvertable. Pitch, and Accident structs are RawPresentable with Int as well as ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral that you can represent them directly with Ints.
Pitch and Key
All keys can be defined with Key struct.
It has a KeyType where you can set the base key like C, D, A, G, and an Accidental where it can be .natural, .flat, sharp or more specific like .sharps(amount: 3).
You can create Pitches with a Key and octave.
Also, you can create Pitches with MIDI note number. rawValue of a pitch is its MIDI note number.
Pitch, Key, Accidental structs are equatable, + and - custom operators defined for making calculations easier.
Also, there are other helper functions or properties like frequency of a note.
You can define them with directly string representations as well.
let dFlat =Key(type: d, accidental: .flat)
let c4 =Pitch(key: Key(type: .c), octave: 4)
let aSharp: Key="a#"// Key(type: .a, accidental: .sharp)let gFlat3: Pitch ="gb3"// or "g♭3" or "Gb3" is Pitch(key: (type: .g, accidental: .flat), octave: 3)
Intervals are halfsteps between pitches.
They are IntegerLiteral and you can make add/substract them between themselves, notes or note types.
You can build up a custom interval with its quality, degree and semitone properties.
You can build scales or chords from intervals.
Minor, major, perfect, augmented and diminished intervals up to 2 octaves are predefined.
ScaleType and Scale
ScaleType enum defines a lot of readymade scales.
Also, you can create a custom scale type by ScaleType.custom(intervals: [Interval], description: String)
Scale defines a scale with a scale type and root key.
You can generate notes of scale in an octave range.
Also you can generate HarmonicField of a scale.
Harmonic field is all possible triad, tetrad or extended chords in a scale.
let c =Key(type: .c)
let maj: ScaleType = .majorlet cMaj =Scale(type: maj, key: c)
ChordType and Chord
ChordType is a struct with ChordParts which are building blocks of chords.
You can define any chord existing with ChordType.
Thirds, fifths, sixths, sevenths and extensions are parts of the ChordType.
Each of them also structs which conforms ChordPart protocol.
Chord defines chords with type and a root key.
You can generate notes of chord in any octave range.
You can generate inversions of any chord.
let m13 =ChordType(
third: .minor,
seventh: .dominant,
extensions: [
ChordExtensionType(type: .thirteenth)
let cm13 =Chord(type: m13, key: Key(type: .c))
You can generate chord progressions with ChordProgression enum.
For any scale, in any harmonic field, for any inversion.