The xcframework is a bundle of a library for multiple architectures and/or platforms. The libkiwix.xcframework will contain libkiwix library for macOS arch and for iOS. You don't have to follow steps for other platform/arch if you don't need them.
Following steps are done from kiwix-build root and assume your apple repository is at ../apple.
Build kiwix-lib
git clone
cd kiwix-build
# if on macOS mojave (10.14), install headers to standard location#
open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
# make sure xcrun can find SDKs
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
# [iOS] build kiwix-lib
kiwix-build --target-platform iOS_multi kiwix-lib
# [macOS] build kiwix-lib
kiwix-build --target-platform native_static kiwix-lib
Create fat archive with all dependencies
This creates a single .a archive named libkiwix which contains all libkiwix's dependencies.
If you are to create an xcframework with multiple architectures/platforms, repeat this step for each:
native_static (for macOS – x86_64)
You'll have to do it for both iOS archs although you built it using multi.
You can now launch the build from Xcode and use the iOS simulator or your macOS target.
Building Kiwix iOS or Kiwix macOS
Open project with Xcode open Kiwix.xcodeproj
Change the App groups (in Capabilities) and Bundle Identifier for both iOS and Bookmarks targets
App Group must be different and unique (ex:
iOS Bundle Identifier must be different and unique (ex:
Bookmarks Bundle Identifier must be a child of iOS one (ex:
⚠ if you are using a regular (non-paying) Apple Developer Account, you are limited in the number of App IDs you can use so be careful not to fumble much with those.