Source Code: It is recommended to use a tag via git checkout (see building instructions below). You may also use master, but it is for development and may not be stable.
Software requirements
macOS 10.15+
Xcode 12
Perl (for creating a .dmg package)
Python 2, specifically 2.7.13 or newer, as python in PATH
Python 3.5 or newer as python3 in PATH
Setting up the build environment
Install Ninja via Homebrew: brew install ninja
Install GNU coreutils (for greadlink in packaging script): brew install coreutils
Install GNU readline: brew install readline
Install the data compression tools xz and zlib: brew install xz zlib
Install Python 3.x: brew install python
Install Python's pyenv to manage python version: brew install pyenv
Install Python 2.7.13: pyenv install 2.7.13Note: in some cases you might get Build failed: "ERROR: The Python zlib extension was not compiled. Missing the zlib?" during Python 2.7.13 installation, this can be fixed by running CPPFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix zlib)/include" pyenv install 2.7.13.
Unlink binutils to use the one provided with Xcode: brew unlink binutils
Set global python command to use Python 2.7.13: pyenv global 2.7.13.
Install Node.js: brew install node
Restart your Terminal
First, ensure the Xcode application is open. Then, run the following:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ungoogled-chromium-macos
# Replace TAG_OR_BRANCH_HERE with a tag or branch name
git checkout --recurse-submodules TAG_OR_BRANCH_HERE
A .dmg should appear in build/
NOTE: If the build fails, you must take additional steps before re-running the build:
If the build fails while downloading the Chromium source code, it can be fixed by removing build/downloads_cache and re-running the build instructions.
If the build fails at any other point after downloading, it can be fixed by removing build/src and build/domsubcache.tar.gz and re-running the build instructions. This will clear out all the code used by the build, and any files generated by the build.
Developer info
Updating patches
Start the process and set the environment variables
Use quilt to refresh all patches: quilt push -a --refresh
If an error occurs, go to the next step. Otherwise, skip to Step 5.
Use quilt to fix the broken patch:
Run quilt push -f
Edit the broken files as necessary by adding (quilt edit ... or quilt add ...) or removing (quilt remove ...) files as necessary
When removing large chunks of code, remove each line instead of using language features to hide or remove the code. This makes the patches less susceptible to breakages when using quilt's refresh command (e.g. quilt refresh updates the line numbers based on the patch context, so it's possible for new but desirable code in the middle of the block comment to be excluded.). It also helps with readability when someone wants to see the changes made based on the patch alone.
Refresh the patch: quilt refresh
Go back to Step 3.
Run ../../ungoogled-chromium/devutils/
Run quilt pop -a
Validate that patches are applied correctly
cd ../..
./ungoogled-chromium/devutils/ -l build/src -s patches/series.merged
Remove all patches introduced by ungoogled-chromium: ./devutils/ unmerge
Ensure patches/series is formatted correctly, e.g. blank lines
Sanity checking for consistency in series file: ./devutils/