开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):Cenmrev/V2RayX开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/Cenmrev/V2RayX开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Objective-C 95.7%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):V2RayX: A simple GUI for V2Ray on macOSWhat is V2Ray?READ THIS: Project V2Ray. YOU SHOULD READ V2RAY'S OFFICIAL INSTRUCTION BEFORE USING V2RAYX! Other V2Ray clients on macOS: V2RayU. (Not related to or endorsed by authors of this repo. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.) Download V2RayXDownload from Releases. (compiled by travis-ci.org). By Homebrew-Cask. brew cask install v2rayx How to buildV2RayX.app is built by running one of the following commands in your terminal. You can install this via the command-line with curl.
or step by step:
open V2RayX.xcodeproj and use Xcode to build V2RayX. How does V2RayX workV2RayX provides a GUI to generate the config file for V2Ray. It includes V2Ray's binary executable in the app bundle. V2RayX starts and stops V2Ray with V2RayX also allows users to change system proxy settings and switch proxy servers on the macOS menu bar. As default, V2RayX will open a socks5 proxy at port V2RayX provide three modes:
Options in menu list auto-run on loginOpen macOS System Preferences -> Users & Group -> Login Items, add V2RayX.app to the list. manually update v2ray-corereplace UninstallV2RayX will create the following files and folders:
So, to totally uninstall V2RayX, just delete V2RayX.app and the files above. :) AcknowledgeV2RayX uses GCDWebServer to provide a local pac server. V2RayX also uses many ideas and codes from ShadowsocksX, especially, the codes of v2rays_sysconfig are simply copied from shadowsocks_sysconf with some modifications. DonationIf Project V2Ray or V2RayX helped you, you can also help us by donation in your will. To donate to Project V2Ray, you may refer to this page. DisclaimerThis tool is mainly for personal usage. For professional users and technique support, commercial software like proxifier is recommended. Please refer to #60. The developer does not major in CS nor Software Engineer and currently is busy with grad school courses. So V2rayX will not be updated frequently. Users can replace V2RayX.app/Contents/Resources/v2ray with the newest v2ray-core downloaded from https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases. The developer currently does not have enough time to add more features to V2RayX, nor to merge PRs. However, forking and releasing your own version are always welcome. |