开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):mercari/ml-system-design-pattern开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/mercari/ml-system-design-pattern开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Machine learning system design patternThis repository contains system design patterns for training, serving and operation of machine learning systems in production. ObjectivesThe main objective of this document is to explain system patterns for designing machine learning system in production. PrerequisitesAll of the ML system patterns are designed to be deployed on a public cloud or a Kubernetes cluster. The document tries not to be dependent on a certain programming language or platform as possible, though since Python is the most major language for the machine learning technology, most of the patterns can be developed with Python.
For readingPlease refer below for reading: Sample implementationsSome sample implementations are available below. https://github.com/shibuiwilliam/ml-system-in-actions PatternsServing patternsThe serving patterns are a series of system designs for using machine learning models in production workflow.
QA patternsPattens to evaluate model as well as prediction server. Training patternsPatterns to construct training pipeline. Operation patternsThe operation patterns contain configuration, logging, monitoring and alerting system designs for machine learning system. Lifecycle patternsThe lifecycle patterns contain composition of several patterns to realize actual ML system with operation. Committers
ContributionFor adding a new pattern, please use template_design.md as a template, and raise an issue and later PR. Please read the CLA carefully before submitting your contribution to Mercari. Under any circumstances, by submitting your contribution, you are deemed to accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the CLA. LicenseCopyright 2020 Mercari, Inc. Licensed under the MIT License. |