This online Machine Learning course by Coding Blocks is one of its kind. The course comprising of over 200 recorded tutorials and 15 projects for teaching, boasts of an all-exhaustive and highly comprehensive curriculum. The Machine Learning online course starts with the essentials of Python, gradually moving towards to concepts of advanced algorithms and finally into the cores of Machine Learning. With our key focus being the live projects, we dive deeper into the fundamentals of Regression Techniques and Neural Networks enabling the students to work out optimizing solutions to the real-world problems. It is just a matter of weeks before the students actually begin building intelligent systems, working on AI algorithms and data crunching. As a part of these online Machine Learning classes, a detailed overview of the programming fundamentals and Python Basics would be covered with the students so as to make them grasp the concepts of Machine Learning quickly and effortlessly. The course is taught by Prateek Narang who is famous for his interactive teaching methods, and is doing an MS in Deep Learning from IIT Delhi.
Course Contents
The course is broadly divided in 7 categories, each of the topic is present as a section in the course.
Part 1. Introduction to Machine Learning
Python Recap
Intermediate Python
Machine Learning Introduction
Data Generation & Visualisation
Linear Algebra in Python
Part 2. Supervised Learning Algorithms
Linear Regression
Locally Weighted Regression
Multivariate Regression
Logistic Regression
K-Nearest Neighbours
Naive Bayes
Support Vector Machines
Decision Trees & Random Forests
Part 3. Unsupervised Learning
Principal Component Analysis
Autoencoders(Deep Learning)
Generative Adversial Networks(Deep Learning)
Part 4. Deep Learning
Deep Learning Fundamentals
Keras Framework, Tensorflow Basics
Neural Networks Basics
Building Text & Image Pipelines
Multilayer Perceptrons
Optimizers, Loss Functions
Part 5. Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Convolution Neural Networks
Image Classification Pipeline
Alexnet, VGG, Resnet, Inception
Transfer Learning & Fine Tuning
Part 6. Deep Learning Natural Language Processing
Sequence Models
Recurrent Neural Networks
LSTM Based Models
Transfer Learning
Natural Lang Processing
Word Embeddings
Langauge Models
Part 7. Reinforcement Learning
Basics of Reinforcement Learning
Q Learning
Building AI for Games
Libraries, Frameworks
Most of the course codes are build from scratch but we will also teach you how to work with
the following libraries.
Pandas (Data Handling)
Matplotlib (Data Visualisation)
Numpy (Maths)
Keras (Deep learning)
Sci-kit Learn(ML Algorithms)
OpenAI Gym (Reinforcement Learning)
Familiar with writing Code in any programming language, Python preferred but not mandatory
Practical Knowledge of Data Structures, OOP's Concepts
Familiar with VCS like Git/Github
20 Mini Projects in course!
Hardwork Pays Off (Regression Prediction)
Air Quality Prediction (Multivariate Regression)
Separating Chemicals (Logistic Regression)
Face Recognition (OpenCV, K-Nearest Neighbours)
Handwritten Digits Classifier
Naive Bayes Mushroom Classification
Movie Review Prediction (Naive Bayes, LSTM etc)
Image Dominant Color Extraction (K-Means)
Image Classification using SVM
Titanic Survivor Prediction using Decision Trees
Diabetic Patients Classification
Non-Linear Data Separation using MLP
Pokemon Classification using CNN, Transfer Learning
Sentiment Analysis using MLP, LSTM
Text/Lyrics Generation using Markov Chains
Emoji Prediction using Transfer Learning & LSTM
Odd One Out (Word2Vec)
Bollywood Word Analgoies (Word Embeddings)
Generating Cartoon Avatars using GAN's (Generative Adversial Networks)
Reinforcement Learning based Cartpole Game Player
Final Project
Image Captioning
Generating Captions for images using CNN & LSTM on Flickr8K dataset.