MetaMask Only: To create production builds, you need to install Google Play Licensing Library via the SDK Manager in Android Studio.
Install the Android NDK, via Android Studio's SDK Manager.
In the SDK Manager, select the SDK Tools tab and install NDK version 21.4.7075529. You'll need to click "Show Package Details" in order to select the appropriate version.
Linux only:
Ensure that you have the secret-tool binary on your machine.
Part of the libsecret-tools package on Debian/Ubuntu based distributions.
MetaMask Only: Rename the .*.env.example files (remove the .example) in the root of the project and fill in the appropriate values for each key. Get the values from another MetaMask Mobile developer.
Non-MetaMask Only: Create an account and generate your own API key at Infura in order to connect to main and test nets. Fill MM_INFURA_PROJECT_ID in .js.env. (App will run without it, but will not be able to connect to actual network.)
Install the app:
yarn setup # not the usual install command, this will run a lengthy postinstall flow
cd ios && pod install && cd .. # install pods for iOS
Then, in one terminal, run:
yarn watch
yarn start:android
yarn start:ios
Build Troubleshooting
Unfortunately, the build system may fail to pick up local changes, such as installing new NPM packages or yarn linking a dependency.
If the app is behaving strangely or not picking up your local changes, it may be due to build issues.
To ensure that you're starting with a clean slate, close all emulators/simulators, stop the yarn watch process, and run:
yarn clean
# if you're going to `yarn link` any packages,# do that here, before the next command
yarn watch:clean
# ...and then, in another terminal
yarn start:ios
# or
yarn start:android
If yarn link fails after going through these steps, try directly yarn adding the local files instead.
First, make sure you have the following running:
yarn watch
Your Android emulator or iOS simulator
yarn start:android or yarn start:ios
Next, install the Flipper desktop app (verified working with v0.127.0)
Once Flipper is installed, configure your system as follows:
Install react-devtools: npm i -g react-devtools@4.22.1
Update Android SDK location settings by accessing Flipper's settings via the Gear Icon -> Settings
Example SDK path: /Users/<USER_NAME>/Library/Android/sdk
Finally, check that the debugger is working:
Open your emulator or simulator alongside the Flipper app
Flipper should auto-detect the device and the application to debug
You should now be able to access features such as Logs
Debugging Physical iOS devices
Debugging physical iOS devices requires idb to be installed, which consists of 2 parts
Install the two idb parts:
brew tap facebook/fb & brew install idb-companion
pip3.9 install fb-idb (This step may require that you install python3 via python -m pip3 install --upgrade pip)
Debug a website inside the WebView (in-app browser)
Run the app in debug mode (for example, in a simulator)
Open Chrome on your desktop
Go to chrome://inspect/#devices
Look for the device and click inspect
Run the app in debug mode (for example, in a simulator)
Open Safari on your desktop
Go to the menu Develop -> [Your device] -> [Website]
You should see the console for the website that is running inside the WebView
Whenever you change dependencies (adding, removing, or updating, either in package.json or yarn.lock), there are various files that must be kept up-to-date.
Run yarn setup again after your changes to ensure yarn.lock has been properly updated.
The allow-scripts configuration in package.json
Run yarn allow-scripts auto to update the allow-scripts configuration automatically. This config determines whether the package's install/postinstall scripts are allowed to run. Review each new package to determine whether the install script needs to run or not, testing if necessary.
Unfortunately, yarn allow-scripts auto will behave inconsistently on different platforms. macOS and Windows users may see extraneous changes relating to optional dependencies.
To get a better understanding of the internal architecture of this app take a look at this diagram.
We have begun documenting our components using storybook please read the Documentation Guidelines to get up and running.