开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):Tencent/vConsole开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/Tencent/vConsole开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):TypeScript 47.4%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):English | 简体中文 vConsoleA lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page. vConsole is framework-free, you can use it in Vue or React or any other framework application. Now vConsole is the official debugging tool for WeChat Miniprograms. Features
For details, please see the screenshots below. Release NotesDetailed release notes for each version are available on Changelog. GuideSee Tutorial for more usage details. For installation, there are 2 primary ways of adding vConsole to a project: Method 1: Using npm (Recommended)$ npm install vconsole import VConsole from 'vconsole';
const vConsole = new VConsole();
// or init with options
const vConsole = new VConsole({ theme: 'dark' });
// call `console` methods as usual
console.log('Hello world');
// remove it when you finish debugging
vConsole.destroy(); Method 2: Using CDN in HTML:<script src="https://unpkg.com/vconsole@latest/dist/vconsole.min.js"></script>
// VConsole will be exported to `window.VConsole` by default.
var vConsole = new window.VConsole();
</script> Available CDN:
Previewhttp://wechatfe.github.io/vconsole/demo.html ScreenshotsOverviewLog PanelSystem PanelOutput logs to different panelconsole.log('output to Log panel.')
console.log('[system]', 'output to System panel.') Network PanelElement PanelStorage PanelDocumentationvConsole: Custom Plugin: Third-party Plugins
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