Bootstrap an application built with Ionic v2 on AWS. Ionic is a JavaScript framework that uses Angular and Apache Cordova to run natively on mobile devices. The app will allow users to create, view, update, and delete project tasks. Users will also be able to sign-up and login to gain access to authorized AWS resources. The app will also provide guests access that will allow users which haven't logged-in to view a summary in a task dashboard.
First clone this repo: git clone
Backend setup
Set up your AWS resources using AWS Mobile Hub by clicking the button below:
Update the preselected name of your project if necessary and take note of the region in which your resources are created in. Press Import project.
Client setup
Before proceeding further, in the Mobile Hub console click the Cloud Logic tile and ensure that the API deployment status at the bottom shows CREATE_COMPLETE (this can take a few moments).
Click Configure on the left hand bar of the console and select the Hosting and Streaming tile.
At the bottom of the page click Download aws-config.js file. Copy this file into the ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/client/src/assets/ folder of the repo you cloned.
Alternatively, click Resources on the left hand bar and in the Amazon S3 Buckets tile, copy the name of your hosting bucket.
Navigate into ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/client and run:
npm install
ionic serve
Bootstrapping with sample data (Optional)
You can bootstrap your application with with some default tasks:
On the left hand side of the Mobile Hub console for your project, select the the Resources tab. On the AWS Lambda Functions tile, copy the name of your TasksAPI-handler
Using the AWS CLI, run the following command with your Lambda function name and the region your resources were deployed in (e.g.: us-east-1)
sh ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/bootstrap/ <YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION><REGION>
Application Walkthrough
Open a browser to http://localhost:8100 to see your running sample app on the Dashboard page. If you chose to bootstrap your app, you will see a summary of existing tasks, and a burndown chart. The data is pulled from the Projects DynamoDB table which all users (guest and authenticated) have read-only access to. All users have access to this page. However, as a guest user, you do not have access to the My Tasks page.
Click the blue User icon in the upper right hand corner to create a new account. Select the Register tab, and type in a username, password, and email address.
You should receive a 6-digit verification code in your email inbox. Type this into the screen and click Confirm.
Now that you are signed in, you can click the User icon (which is now green) on the Dashboard page to view some information about your account. You can also sign out from this view.
As an authenticated user you can now see details of the tasks you own. Click the horizontal lines icon in the bottom navigation bar to get to the My Tasks screen. Click the green Floating Action Button at the bottom to bring up a modal where you can enter your task information.
On the My Tasks screen you can right swipe a "TODO" task, and click the green check button to complete it. You can left swipe a "TODO" or a "COMPLETED" task, and click the red trash button to delete it. Each time you manage a task, data is updated in the DynamoDB Tasks table and summarized in the Projects table.
Return to the Dashboard to see an updated view of the projects and the burndwon chart. When you manage a task, the dashboard data is updated on the client side without fetching it from the backend. You can refresh the dashboard with backend data at any time by pulling down on the page.
You can click on the User Icon to sign out from the app. You can still see the dashboard as an unauthenticated user and pull down the page to refresh it.
Building and deploying
The following steps outline how you can build and deploy the application to a hosted webserver with global CDN on AWS (using S3 and CloudFront) created by the Import phase above:
Navigate to ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/client and build for production by running:
npm run build
Copy everything within the produced ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/client/www directory to the S3 bucket that was created earlier. You can do this one of two ways:
Via the Mobile Hub console select the Hosting and Streaming section of your project, click Manage Files at the bottom which will open the S3 console. Click Upload and then Add files selecting everything inside the ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/client/www directory. Press Upload.
Via the AWS CLI, using the name of the hosting bucket (see Client Setup for instructions on how to get the bucket name)
To view your website, in the Mobile Hub console select the Hosting and Streaming section and click the View from S3 to see your page immediately or View from CloudFront to see using a CDN (note: this might be immediate or take up to an hour).
Updating your Lambda Function
The sample application invokes a simple Lambda function to handle backend requests and make CRUD operations to DynamoDB. You may wish to modify the function to change the behavior of your backend. The steps below outline how to do so for a Node.js runtime.
This sample app uses 2 Lambda functions that run the same code. On the left hand side of the Mobile Hub console for your project, select the the Resources tab. The name of the Lambda functions are listed in the AWS Lambda Functions tile.
In a terminal, navigate to ./aws-mobile-ionic-sample/backend/lambda. Notice that the directory only includes index.js,, and no package.json. This is because the current function's only dependency is on the AWS SDK for Javascript (aws-sdk npm package) which is available in the AWS Lambda Node.js runtime.
Make updates to index.js and add other files as necessary. Install your npm requirements using the npm install --save command. This installs your requirements in the node_modules directory and saves your configuration in package.json (the file is created if it does not exist).
Package your application (along with the node_modules folder) and update the function
Replace the <YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION> with your Lambda function name and <REGION> with name of the region your resources were deployed in.
Alternatively you could click the Lambda function resource in the Mobile Hub console which opens the Lambda console and press the Upload button on that page to upload the file.
Advanced Usage: Using the Sign-up, Login and Sigv4Http services in your application
The services implemented in this demo app can easily be added to any Ionic project to make signed requests towards API Gateway, and to handle user sign-up and login. The sections below highlight how to do so.
Making signed requests for Unauthenticated Users (guests)
Clone this repo, then create a new ionic app and navigate to its directory
git clone
ionic start demo tabs
cd ./demo
Copy the required files from the cloned github repo
You can now make signed requests to your endpoints. Update the home page to make a requests to the ProjectsAPI as a guest user (replace ProjectsAPI with the name of your own if you decide to use a different name in the Mobile Hub console for the Cloud Logic API).
Replace the content of ./src/pages/home/home.html with the below to show the fetched data:
<ion-header><ion-navbar><ion-title>Home</ion-title></ion-navbar></ion-header><ion-contentpadding><ion-list><buttonion-item*ngFor="let p of projects; let idx = index">
{{idx}} - {{ p.projectId }} @ {{p.month}}. Total: {{p.added - p.completed}}
Save the changes to the files above.
You can now run the application. Requests made using the sigv4Http service will be signed with the unauthenticated user's credentials.
ionic serve
Adding support for Authenticated Users
The ability to let users sign-up with a registration process and login to the site is provided in this starter code. The functionality to do this is implemented in the Auth service. You can easily set up the forms and code needed to interact with the user to gather necessary information.
Copy the login and logout modal components from the github repository
Add the openModal method and the userColor getter, a helper that gives a color based on the user status (you can add these right below the constructor from the last step):
Save the file and run ionic serve to launch your site again.
You can now register and sign in or sign out from your app. When a user is signed in, The Auth service will return the credentials of that user and requests made via the Sigv4Http service will be signed with those credentials.